PG & E

Power Line Compatible Trees

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Tree Recommendations by PG&E

PG&E (Pacific Gas and Electric Company) has a number of recommendations when it comes to trees that won't interfere with their power lines. Palm trees and "palm-like" trees, as well as a variety of small trees, are your best bet. AAA Arbor First can help you to select the best possible trees for your specific property.

Palm trees help to create a coastal feel, though many varieties pose a threat to power lines. Palm fronds can break off in high winds and cause power outages and palm tree growth cannot be directed away like other trees.

When Planting New Trees Near Power Lines, Please Keep in Mind:

Trees should reach a maximum height of 25 ft at maturity.

Larger palms should be planted at minimum 50 ft from power lines.

Incompatible vegetation is subject to removal.

PG&E has approved a number of species of these trees to plant near power lines. Most of these trees are drought tolerant and require little water once established. However, ample water during establishment will help lead to growth and a plant that will last longer.

Suggested Palm Trees for Planting

  • Cliff Indian Date Palm

    Phoenix rupicola

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 12 ft
  • Guadalupe Island Palm

    Brahea edulis

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 15 ft
  • Jelly Palm

    Bauhinia blakeana

    • Partially deciduous
    • Flowers bloom in winter
  • Lady Palm

    Rhapis excelsa

    • Mature height: 12 ft
    • Spread: 10 ft
  • Leatherleaf Palmetto

    Sabal louisiana

    • Mature height: 15 ft
    • Spread: 9 ft
  • Pygmy Date Palm

    Phoenix roebelenii

    • Mature height: 12 ft
    • Spread: 7 ft
  • Pygmy X Canary Hybrid

    Phoenix roebelenii x canariensis

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 14 ft
  • Pygmy X Senegal Hybrid

    Phoenix roebelenii x reclinata

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 18 ft
  • Radical Palm

    Chameadorea radicalis

    • Mature height: 15 ft
    • Spread: 4 ft
  • Manambe Palm

    Dypsis decipiens

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 15 ft
  • Mediterranean Palm

    Chamaerops humilis

    • Mature height: 15 ft
    • Spread: 15 ft
  • Shaving Brush Palm

    Rhopalostylis sapida

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 10 ft

Suggested "Palm-Like" Trees for Planting

  • Cabbage Tree

    Cordyline australis

    • Mature height: 25 ft
    • Spread: 12 ft
  • Dragon Tree

    Draceana draco

    • Mature height: 20 ft
    • Spread: 15ft
  • Sago Palm

    Cycas revoluta

    • Mature height: 12 ft
    • Spread: 6 ft
  • Tasmanian Tree Fern

    Dicksonia antarctica

    Mature height: 15 ft

    Spread: 10 ft

  • Variegated Yucca

    Yucca elephantipes ‘marginata’

    • Mature height: 20 ft
    • Spread: 15 ft

Power-Line Friendly Small Trees

Many small tree species are ideal for growing near power lines, as they will reach a maximum height of 25 ft at maturity. PG&E approves the following types of small trees for planting near power lines.

Sweet Acacia

Acacia farnesiana

Eastern Serviceberry

Amelanchier canadensis

Cockspur Coral Tree

Erythrina crista-galli


Prunus americana

Tasmanian Tree Fern

Dicksonia antarctica

Washington Hawthorn

Crataegus phaenopyrum


Heteromeles arbutifolia

Japanese Maple

Acer palmatum

Yaupon Holly

Ilex vomitoria

Star Magnolia

Magnolia stellata

Pineapple Guava

Acca sellowiana

Western Redbud

Cercis occidentalis

Persian Lime

Citrus aurantifolia


Viburnum prunifolium

Fringe Tree

Chionanthus virginicus

Rocky Mountain Juniper

Juniperus scopulorum


Arctostaphylos manzanita

American Smoke Tree

Cotinus obovatus


Cordia sebestena

Golden Cypress

Chamaecyparis lawsoniana

Crape Myrtle

Lagerstroemia indica


Cephalanthus occidentalis

Mescal Bean

Sophora secundiflora

Pinyon Pine

Pinus edulis


Asimina triloba

Mountain Alder

Alnus tenuifolia

California Buckeye

Aesculus californica


Punica granatum

Sonoran Palo Verde

Cercidium praecox

Golden Ball Lead Tree

Leucaena retusa

Common Witch Hazel

Hamamelis virginiana


Ptelea trifoliata

Golden Chain Tree

Laburnum x watereri

Tanyosho Pine

Pinus densiflora

Leather Oak

Quercus durata

A Veteran-Owned Small Business

AAA Arbor First is proudly a veteran-owned, local small business serving customers throughout California's Northern Monterey County, Northern Santa Barbara and San Luis Obispo.

Call us at (805) 458-0265 for more information about what we can do for you and your trees!

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